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Keywords: shophouses, shop, recognition, impression, conservation value


Thesis: Text

Malacca on the Malay Peninsula was in an important position in trading. Since the early 16th century, Malaya has been colonized by Portugal, the Dutch, the British, and the Japanese. Although the foundation of colonialism should not be celebrated, it is undeniable that colonialism has contributed to shaping our cross-cultural world, and cultural diversity is one of Malaysian's richest assets today. Shophouses take an essential role in representing the identity of Malaysia's culture. 
A shophouse is a vernacular architectural buildings type that is commonly seen in Southeast Asia. The stylistic of shophouses have hybrid characteristics incorporating architectural vocabulary from the West, Chinese, and Malay. Shophouses form defined as a 2 or 3 story row house which usually has a shop on the ground floor and living quarters above. Six main styles have been defined by Wagner A. (2006), each of them referring to a change of external appearance and height of the shophouse, especially in the facades.
In the old days, Kinta Valley progressed rapidly and was the wealthiest district in the Malay Peninsula due to tin mining activities. It made Ipoh more famous than the towns in other states due mainly to its dominance being rich with tin ore production. The tin-mining activity influenced the trading activity and the architectural development of Ipoh, which is now referred to as the heritage area of Ipoh.
In Japan, heritage protection has been carried out, mainly by the national government, for more than 150 years. The responsibility still largely rests with the national government, but local governments and residents have been increasingly involved in heritage protection. Development regarded as a threat to heritage protection in the past is now profoundly incorporated into the heritage protection system. 
On the other hand, Malaysia had initiated the effort of conserving heritage buildings just approximately 30 to 40 years ago. The awareness is slowly increasing, though it is relatively slow. Extra efforts on conserving these buildings can bring immense benefits to the country, especially for future generations. However, whether those buildings are important to be conserved is always a question asked by many. Is Malaysian aware of the withstanding of those buildings at present, and is it important to them? 
This study reviews Malaysian residents' perception of historic architecture in Malaysia, especially shophouses. In this study, photo-based methods were used in an online questionnaire. This method is considered the best method to enhance the status and acceptability of the broader research community during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research findings show that shophouses in Ipoh possess many historically significant features, which enables the local communities to recognize shophouses as Malaysian historical buildings. The research also shows Malaysian's will to protect shophouses that have a nostalgic atmosphere, and those shophouses are important to towns and cities in Malaysia. Furthermore, a comparative analysis was conducted based on 120 respondents representing both Malaysian and Japanese residents to explore the similarities and differences in their residents' perception of historic architecture in Ipoh. 

Thesis: Text

IAPS Submission 2022

Background and objectives

Shophouses are vernacular architectural buildings that are commonly seen in Southeast Asia. Due to the early history of Ipoh, as a settlement was all down to its mining industry, stylistic facades which have hybrid characteristics incorporating architectural vocabulary from the West, Chinese, and Malay were formed into shophouses in Ipoh, , and it takes an essential role in representing Malaysian's wealthiest assets, cultural diversity.

This study intends to review Malaysian residents' perception and Japanese perception of shophouses in Ipoh for proposing references to help conserve and develop the future of the shophouses in Malaysia.

Process and methods (For empirical research)

In this study, photo-based methods were used in an online questionnaire. This method is considered the best method to enhance the status and acceptability of the broader research community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, a comparative analysis was conducted to explore the similarities and differences in residents' perceptions of historic architecture in Ipoh.

Main results (or main arguments in the case of critical reviews)

The research findings show that shophouses in Ipoh possess many historically significant features, which enables the local communities to recognize shophouses as Malaysian historical buildings. The Japanese only recognized Malaysian buildings with those unfamiliar architectural styles. 

Besides, this study also indicates both Malaysian and Japanese's will to protect shophouses in Ipoh. However, Malaysian residents think that shophouses create a nostalgic atmosphere which is essential to towns and cities in Malaysia. On the other hand, exotic architecture style led to Japanese decisions primarily based on buildings' functionality and their fondness for them.

Implications for research and practice/policy | Importance and originality of the contribution

Unlike Japan which has carried out a heritage protection system for more than 150 years, the awareness of conserving heritage buildings in Malaysia is slowly increasing, though relatively slowly. Extra efforts on conserving these buildings can bring immense benefits to the country, especially for future generations. Thus, this study clarified the relationship between the psychological impact and conservation value of shophouses in Ipoh.

Thesis: Text







  • 今までの歴史的建造物の実物調査と異なり、ショップハウスにおける場所の愛着とその利用価値および保全に積極的な役割を果たしているのかに視点をおいた研究である。

  • ショップハウスという建築物が与える心理的影響を、マレーシアの国民、そして日本人を始め、様々な文化背景を持つ外国人の観点から、ショップハウスの保全価値に関わる実態について把握・分析する。

  • 調査方法は、建築写真を基にしたオンラインアンケートを採用した。この方法は、新型コロナウイルス禍の際に幅広い研究コミュニティのステータスと受容性を高めることで最も有効な方法である。




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